Want to know if you can or cannot eat an ingredient based on your diet?

Spot bad ingredients on labels, menus, & food ordering apps.

Peel helps you detect and learn about harmful ingredients, based on your food intolerance or diet.

What we do?

Peel analyzes ingredients
to help you make better food choices

and Useful Anywhere

Peel analyzes ingredient lists anywhere: food label, restaurant menu, food apps!

Not limited by barcode data.
Not restricted to specific market data.

Diet-Based Advice

Peel gives instant advice: “Safe” or “Avoid” based on your dietary lifestyle.

No information overload.
No generic product assessment.

Feedback from Experts

Peel nutritionists classified 32,000+ ingredients for scientific results.

No crowdsourcing from the public.
No influence from food manufacturers.

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How it works?

When should you use Peel?

When shopping at the supermarket

Use Peel Scan to detect bad ingredients on food labels when shopping at the supermarket.

When ordering food & groceries online

Take screenshots from food ordering apps and use Peel Upload to detect bad ingredients.

When dining at a restaurant

Use Peel Scan to detect bad ingredients in a food menu when dining at a restaurant.

When exploring a new recipe

Use Peel Search to lookup unfamiliar ingredient names and see if they fit your diet.

19 food intolerances
and diets to pick from.

Choose from a range of diets:
> popular diets (e.g. Vegan, Paleo…)
> food intolerances (e.g. Gluten, Fructose…)
> dietary considerations (e.g. No Sugar…)

Didn’t find your diet on the app? Contact us now and we’ll make sure to launch it asap!


Simple advice,
for one or multiple diets!

Peel can analyze ingredients based on one diet, or multiple diets at once.

Once you scan the ingredients list, you get a simple tip: “Safe” or “Avoid” based on all your diets, combined. Makes life easier!


Skip Google & health blogs. Go Peel Search.

Lookup thousands of ingredient names and instantly check if they fit your diet. Just skip the countless hours of googling health blogs.

  • Simple advice based on the latest studies

  • Works for one or multiple diets, combined.

  • Includes tips and advice on portion size
